An in-depth look at where the world of intelligent transportation goes post-Covid-19...

ITS International May-June 2020: your guide in uncertain times
The May/June issue of ITS International is out now.
It is packed full of ideas about the current pandemic and the way out of lockdown.
At this uncertain time, a number of industry experts offer their views on how the ITS sector can survive and prosper:
- Christian Haas, CEO of PTV Group, talks about the need to be bold and innovative, tempering realism with optimism.
- Tech start-up OpenSpace discusses how its use of vision technology is going to help authorities with social distancing at transport hubs.
- Here Technologies explains how artificial intelligence is going to be a crucial part of smart cities and what this means for individual privacy.
- Panasonic reveals why its work on connected vehicle technology on a highway in rural Georgia is a safety R&D testbed.
- And Parsons Corporation suggests three things that ITS professionals can do to mitigate the effects of Covid-19 on transportation systems.
Plus all the latest Products, Cost Benefit, Comment and more...
Click here to read the full issue.