Nominations for the 2020 America's Transportation Awards, sponsored by AASHTO, AAA and the US Chamber of Commerce, now need to be in by 29 April.
These recognise projects and programmes that get more out of existing systems and implement new technologies, making communities’ lives better.
Meanwhile, entrants to Ertico – ITS Europe’s European Mobility Challenge, which tasks graduate students with solving real-world mobility problems, now have until 30 April to send in a five- to 10-page submission focused on vulnerable road users.
The winning team will have the opportunity to travel to Los Angeles and pitch their idea to industry leaders at the ITS World Congress in October 2020, as part of the Global Challenge competition organised by ITS America, ITS Asia-Pacific and Ertico.
Submissions to another competition, the European Startup Prize for Mobility, have also been extended until 30 April 2020.
The prize is co-founded by European Parliament Transport and Tourism Committee chairwoman Karima Delli, Boston Consulting Group and Via ID, who say they “will adapt to the evolving situation and find creative solutions”.
Live updates are on the prize Twitter page.