March 2, 2012
Bob Lees, co-founder of Diamond Consulting Services, on why the loop detector just refuses to go away. The more strident proponents of newer and…
March 2, 2012
In a previous article Bob Lees of Idris Technology Ltd looked at the appropriateness of toll classes in relation to all-electronic toll fee…
March 2, 2012
A dozen years from now, will enforcement still be constrained by the legislative thinking which currently prevails? Or will the needs of the wider…
February 6, 2012
Why is the International Road Federation (IRF) moving into the ITS sector? Caroline Visser, road finance specialist from the IRF's Geneva Programme…
February 6, 2012
An innovative UK Government initiative on work-related driver training has resulted in astonishing success, not only in terms of government…
February 6, 2012
Politicians, policy- and decision-makers need no-nonsense, non-technical answers on which to base investments in ITS. The International Benefits,…
February 6, 2012
Connie Sorrell, chair of the ITS America Annual Meeting and Exposition, explains why ITS in America is approaching a critical crossroads
February 6, 2012
Tom Kern, executive VP of ITS America, on why he believes events like the forthcoming ITS World Congress are so important for the industry
February 6, 2012
Geographically, Russia, the largest country in the world, is vast. So too are the opportunities for the global ITS community, which is why ITS Russia…
February 6, 2012
For the European Intermodal Association, intermodal solutions are the only viable, sustainable way forward for the global supply chain