May 21, 2012
Canada’s 407 tolled highway allows non-stop travel and a fast and efficient way of paying for it. Ontario’s 407 ETR highway features one of the most…
May 11, 2012
High road toll increases threaten new regulation, but states should be free to use toll revenue for Interstate improvements. Bob Poole reports Large…
May 11, 2012
Andrew Bardin Williams investigates tolling on the federal Interstate system as maintenance and upgrade requirements increasingly outpace funding The…
May 11, 2012
Russia’s transport systems are developing on a grand scale with ITS central to the plans, thanks in no small part to a recently relaunched ITS Russia…
May 4, 2012
The Southcote Lane site in the UK town of Reading is a notorious shortcut for motorists travelling into the town centre. The resultant congestion at…
May 4, 2012
Loomis offers products and services that provide complete cash logistics solutions for financial institutions, retailers and other commercial…
May 3, 2012
Although the recession had dramatically reduced traffic volumes in the past few years, the economy was on the brink of a recovery that portended well…
April 25, 2012
Developments in the mass transit sector could provide indicators of potential for greater use of mobile consumer electronic devices for charging and…
April 25, 2012
Alterations to traffic signals and variable message signs are being activated to reduce congestion as soon as it occurs, through a pioneering fully…
April 25, 2012
Following a successful trial in 2007, VicRoads has adopted Streams Motorway Management from Transmax as its primary traffic management and control…