May 22, 2012
Wave and pay credit and debit cards have arrived. In the parking sector, authorities and operators quick to accommodate new contactless payment…
May 22, 2012
Hong Kong’s Route 8 now features an extensive and advanced traffic control and surveillance system developed to overcome challenges of great scale…
May 22, 2012
David Crawford reviews technological progress with automatic incident detection Highway safety problems are likely to intensify given recent…
May 22, 2012
An unusual technology collaboration. David Crawford investigates Early in January 2012, the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA…
May 22, 2012
Introduction of a fleet tracking system has provided expected headline benefits. But it is the intangibles that have been most valuable Crescent…
May 21, 2012
A substantial portfolio of resources is available and expanding, to help employers and professionals build essential skills for current and future…
May 21, 2012
Canada’s 407 tolled highway allows non-stop travel and a fast and efficient way of paying for it. Ontario’s 407 ETR highway features one of the most…
May 11, 2012
High road toll increases threaten new regulation, but states should be free to use toll revenue for Interstate improvements. Bob Poole reports Large…
May 11, 2012
Andrew Bardin Williams investigates tolling on the federal Interstate system as maintenance and upgrade requirements increasingly outpace funding The…
May 11, 2012
Russia’s transport systems are developing on a grand scale with ITS central to the plans, thanks in no small part to a recently relaunched ITS Russia…