February 1, 2012
Traffic signal control is a mainstay of urban congestion management. Despite advances in vehicle detection sensors, inductive loops, which operate by…
February 1, 2012
Mark Cartwright, Centaur Consulting, discusses developments in urban traffic management and control. Despite the concept of UTMC (Urban Traffic…
February 1, 2012
Siemens Mobility's Mark Bodger discusses the growing use of PC-based systems for urban traffic control. Across the ITS sector, there is a common…
February 1, 2012
The Netherlands has been looking at incentivising rush-hour avoidance. The intention is to better understand road users' motivations and find…
February 1, 2012
Urban freight policies are becoming more common in European cities and regions. However, it is still difficult to evaluate and transfer the knowledge…
February 1, 2012
Transportation for America's James Corless talks about the changes needed in the US's transportation policy. Anew report, 'Smart Mobility for a 21st…
February 1, 2012
Paul Vorster, CEO of ITS South Africa, takes a look at the national enforcement situation in the year when the country gears up to host the FIFA…
February 1, 2012
Paul Everett, Research Director with IMS Research, looks at how ITS deployment varies across the US and what this means in terms of market potential…
February 1, 2012
Robert Bertini, deputy administrator of the USDOT's Research and Innovative Technology Administration, discusses the research and deployment paths of…
February 1, 2012
Image Sensing Systems (ISS) has provided RTMS G4 radars for traffic management on the Sea to Sky Highway for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in…