Emergency call forum: Where do we go from here?

The Ertico partnership is hosting a one-day forum in Brussels on 7 November to examine the future development of automated emergency call (eCall) and the evolution of telematics services. Discussions and debates will take place around a series of topics, including: the status of emergency call once eCall is deployed; challenges to enable further business opportunities; the potential of new technologies and new services within emergency call and beyond eCall.
Location Based Systems / October 9, 2013
The 374 Ertico partnership is hosting a one-day forum in Brussels on 7 November to examine the future development of automated emergency call (eCall) and the evolution of telematics services.

Discussions and debates will take place around a series of topics, including: the status of emergency call once eCall is deployed; challenges to enable further business opportunities; the potential of new technologies and new services within emergency call and beyond eCall.

Download the draft agenda 2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternalhereevbdn.eventbrite.com/s3-s3/eventlogos/21393808/emergencycallagendadraft.pdffalsehttps://evbdn.eventbrite.com/s3-s3/eventlogos/21393808/emergencycallagendadraft.pdffalsefalse%>.
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