Mobility as a Service

December 29, 2023
Arada’s Yalla e-bikes and e-scooters are sustainable transport alternatives in Sharjah, UAE
December 28, 2023
Voi used Drover AI's PathPilot application to warn e-scooter users of off-road riding
December 20, 2023
Bird Canada and Bird Europe are not part of the filing, which is part of restructuring
December 15, 2023
Ticketing specialist Urban Things says it will 'supercharge our journey planning offering'
December 13, 2023
Strasbourg contract is debut in France for bikes from Leipzig-based Nextbike
December 11, 2023
Swiss ticketing provider to deliver pay-as-you-go solution to Rejsekort & Rejseplan
December 8, 2023
New officers are drawn from public and private sector mobility, technology and ITS sectors
December 6, 2023
Four-day exhibition and conference takes place at RAI Amsterdam 16-19 April 2024
December 4, 2023
Organisation's annual conference gave its top award to Groningen in the Netherlands
December 1, 2023
You have until 15 December 2023 to create a profile and submit your contribution