February 29, 2024
Kistler is also bringing its new KiTraffic Digital Platform WiM system to Amsterdam in April
February 19, 2024
Traffic incident alert app uses data sourced from Main Roads Western Australia
February 15, 2024
Platform offers software-defined infrastructure including signalised intersections sensors
February 7, 2024
Products are for ITS set-ups using fibre optics for secure distance transmission
February 6, 2024
AGD650 AI Stop Line Detector is a traffic management solution designed to enhance road safety
January 30, 2024
Kistler WiM sensors and Rekor camera systems are synchronised to detect overweight trucks
January 25, 2024
IEC-62443 and ISO-27001 cover software and infrastructure IT security
January 22, 2024
Block cameras are a preferred choice for ITS system designers and engineers
January 19, 2024
AT512 has 300m range while ultra-thin ET25 is designed to sit behind windshield
January 12, 2024
Developers say prototype shown at CES is "closer than ever to being market-ready"