August 24, 2023
ITS applications can benefit from automatic or remote adjustment of FoV and focus
August 23, 2023
Detectors will distinguish between cars, vans, small and large trucks, bicycles and motorbikes
August 21, 2023
Company boosts performance of its Metro Pro-enabled temporary traffic signals
August 5, 2023
GridMatrix’s breakthrough software platform for multimodal data collection and analytics is revolutionising transportation planning and decision…
August 4, 2023
Sensor can be used to aid traffic management and advanced automotive applications
August 1, 2023
Australian road safety company says trailer units will be positioned on selected highways
July 31, 2023
Lightweight Vehicle to Everything device designed to be fitted to micromobility vehicles
July 7, 2023
Theia’s 4K lenses are designed for use in high-detail imaging tasks
July 6, 2023
Technical inspection association gives thumbs up to TRP-4010 and OBU-5310